Do not put TOC in Summary

2019-04-03 443 words 3 mins read

By default, The TOC generated by ox-hugo is inserted into “Summary” in Hugo.

This is how to prebent it (Taken from ox-hugo test site).

Copy summary_minus_toc.html

Copy summary_minus_toc.html from this site.

summary_minus_toc.html looks like this:

Code Snippet 1: layouts/partials/summary_minus_toc.html (html)
{{- with .Description -}}
    {{- . | markdownify | printf "<p>%s</p>" | safeHTML -}}
{{- else -}}
    {{- $summary_has_org_toc := substr .Content 0 30 | findRE "[\".]ox-hugo-toc" -}}
    {{- if $summary_has_org_toc -}}
        {{- $content_splits := split .RawContent "<!--endtoc-->" -}} <!-- Need to use .RawContent as we will be parsing for 'more' comment later. -->
        <!-- If Org TOC is present, the special comment endtoc would also be present.
             In that case, output only the part *after* that comment as Summary. -->
        {{- $summary_raw := index $content_splits 1 -}}
        {{- $summary_splits := split $summary_raw "" -}}
        {{- if eq (len $summary_splits) 2 -}}
            {{- index $summary_splits 0 | markdownify -}}
        {{- else -}}
            {{- $summary_raw | markdownify | truncate 300 -}}
        {{- end -}}
    {{- else -}}
        <!-- Print the whole Summary if endtoc special comment is not found. -->
        {{- .Summary |  printf "<p>%s</p>" | safeHTML -}}
    {{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

I modified some code as below so that raw HTML codes are not shown.

Code Snippet 2: Modified summary_minus_toc.html (html)
{{- with .Description -}}
    {{- . | markdownify | printf "<p>%s</p>" | safeHTML -}}
{{- else -}}
    {{- $summary_has_org_toc := substr .Content 0 30 | findRE "[\".]ox-hugo-toc" -}}
    {{- if $summary_has_org_toc -}}
        {{- $content_splits := split .RawContent "<!--endtoc-->" -}} <!-- Need to use .RawContent as we will be parsing for 'more' comment later. -->
        <!-- If Org TOC is present, the special comment endtoc would also be present.
             In that case, output only the part *after* that comment as Summary. -->
        {{- $summary_raw := index $content_splits 1 -}}
        {{- $summary_splits := split $summary_raw "<!--more-->" -}}
        {{- if eq (len $summary_splits) 2 -}}
            {{- index $summary_splits 0 | markdownify -}}
        {{- else -}}
            {{- $summary_raw | markdownify | plainify | truncate 300 -}}
        {{- end -}}
    {{- else -}}
        <!-- Print the whole Summary if endtoc special comment is not found. -->
        {{- .Summary |  printf "<p>%s</p>" | safeHTML -}}
    {{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

I changed this:

{{- $summary_raw | markdownify | truncate 300 -}}


{{- $summary_raw | markdownify | plainify | truncate 300 -}}

This works as follows:

  • If #+DESCRIPTION: exitst, it will be used.
  • If ox-hugo has made a TOC (if class ox-hugo-toc exists). delte it, make “Summary”.

How to use summary_minus_toc.html

In a template containig “Summary”, use this code:

Code Snippet 3: How to use summary_minus_toc.html (html)
{{ partial "summary_minus_toc.html" . }}

Tags: Hugo ox-hugo

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