Add "Confidential" mark to a LaTeX footer

2019-04-07 160 words 1 min read

Let' add “Confidential” mark to a LaTeX footer.

Define ConfidentialLevel variable

First, we define tha variable ConfidentialLevel to show this

Code Snippet 1: Define ConfidentialLevel (latex)

Define this variable in a LaTeX document preamble like this:


In a Org-mode document, define like this:

#+LATEX_HEADER: \ConfidentialLevel{Confidential}

Chagen it to anything you like. If not defined, it will not be displayed.

Next, to change a LaTeX fotter, we use fancyhdr package and tcolorbox package:

Code Snippet 2: Change a LaTeX header and footer (latex)
      \tcbox[colback=white,colframe=red,size=small,on line]{
        \textcolor{red}{\sffamily \bfseries {\@ConfidentialLevel}}
\cfoot{\thepage}% print the page number in tha center of the footer

In a LaTeX documet, this will be typeset:

Figure 1: Sample of LaTeX

Figure 1: Sample of LaTeX

the centre of a footer
a page numer
the right side of a footer
“Confidential” mark

Tags: LaTeX

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